Unlock Insights. Uncover Success.

Harness the power of Vibe's measurement tools to gain valuable insights and track the success of your TV campaigns.

Product features
Rated 4.8 out of 5 on G2

Comprehensive Measurement Capabilities

Leverage a suite of measurement tools designed to provide you with precise analytics and a deeper understanding of your campaign performance.

Web Traffic Measurement
Track web visits generated by your TV campaign with Vibe's pixel.
App Install Measurement
Integrate your Vibe campaign results with the MMP of your choice to instantly access CTV-enabled app install data.
Google Analytics Integration
Vibe integrates with Google Analytics to display CTV campaign results directly in your favorite measurement tool.
Web Event Measurement
Track specific events generated by your CTV ads such as registrations and sales.
Multi-dimensional reporting
Learn which channels, audiences, time slots, device types, etc. work best for your various strategies in one easy-to-read dashboard.

Transforming Data into Actionable Insights!

Picture of people watching TV

Frequently asked questions

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Checkout out our Help Center.

How does Vibe's measurement tools track web visits generated by TV campaigns?
Vibe receives signals from our pixel installed on your website header at the beginning of your campaign to alert our system when users visit, click, or shop on your site within an attribution window of your choice (from 1 hour to 7 days).
Can I connect Adjust-tracked apps to Vibe for measuring ROAS on TV app install campaigns?
Absolutely! Vibe integrates with Adjust as well as other major MMPs, allowing you to measure ROAS on TV app install campaigns by connecting your Adjust-tracked apps.
How does Vibe collaborate with Appsflyer to track app installs and in-app revenue from TV campaigns?
Vibe partners with Appsflyer to enable app marketers to track app installs and in-app revenue accurately, providing valuable insights into TV campaign performance.
What types of metrics can I analyze using Vibe's measurement tools for TV campaigns?
Vibe's measurement tools offer a comprehensive range of metrics, including web visits, ROAS, app installs, in-app revenue, and more for a holistic view of TV campaign performance.

Unlock Insights and Measure Success with Vibe

Harness the Power of Comprehensive Measurement Capabilities - Transforming Data into Actionable Insights!