
Companies of all shapes and sizes advertise with Vibe

Sarah R.

Digital Marketing Specialist

Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

Vibe is easy to use, and has all of the information and analytics readily available. Their customer service is top notch, and they can answer questions easily.
Kate H.

Marketing Manager

Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

While there are many OTT ad platforms in the space now, Vibe remains my favorite. It was so easy to use, the reporting is easy to read. I use it daily and I have not looked back since I started. It has many features in the reporting tab, including the zip codes where your ad was shown.
Bryce Y.

VP of Growth

Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

It's incredibly simple, but very powerful in terms of ways to build your audiences. I can make faster changes than using my previous agency and also save on the agency fees. Support is great and they seem genuinely invested in our success.
Success stories
"Where do customers hear about us? Here, on TV. TV is great for telling our story."

Rated 4.8 out of 5 on G2

Brands on the platform
on G2
of minimum daily spend
Only $50
Streamings apps and channels

Want to generate more ROAS like Car Stickers or other successful clients who have achieved exceptional results with our platform? Discover how we can help your business grow— Register now or book a call to get started!


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Starts at only $50 per day - No Commitment - Credit Card or Wire Payment